Consider the following tables GAMES and PLAYER and answer (b) and (c) parts of this question : (a)What do you understand by primary key and candidate keys ? SELECT COUNT (DISTINCT DepCde) FROM EMPLOYEE; SELECT MAX(JoinDate), MIN (JointDate) FROM EMPLOYEE; SELECT TName, DepHead FROM EMPLOYEE E, DEPARTMENT D. SELECT COUNT (*) FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE Salary > 60000 AND Age > 30; Select AVG (Age) from EMPLOYEE WHERE DepCde=”103″; To display the name of all Workers in descending order of DOB. Question 2: All solutions are latest and strictly follow the CBSE pattern. Question 2: CBSE computer science question paper 2017 solved is available in PDF format, which can be downloaded from Vedantu. If a table has more than one such attributes which identify a tuple uniquely than all such attributes are known as candidate keys. To display DESIGNATION without dupli¬cate entries from the table ADMIN. CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Computer Science 2020 (C++) with Previous years papers (10 years papers with solutions) with marking scheme all sets of Delhi and other regions with board marking scheme as per latest CBSE curriculum 2019-20. (b)Write SQL commands for the following statements: (c) Give the output of the following SQL queries: (a) An attribute or set of attributes which are used to identify a tuple uniquely is known as a primary key. If used without condition, it will delete all row information but not the structure of the table. % – represents 0,1 or many characters – – represents a single number or character, Question 9: To display the highest charges at which a vehicle can be hired from CARDEN. To display all the information from the table SCHOOL in descending order of experience. What is the use of wildcard TO DISPLAY WATCH NAME AND THEIR QUANTITY SOLD IN FIRST QUARTER; SELECT MAX (PRICE), MIN(QTY_STORE) FROM WATCHES; SELECT QUARTER, SUM(QTY SOLD) FROM SALE GROUP BY QUARTER; SELECT WATCH_NAME, PRICE, TYPE FROM WATCHES W, SALE S WHERE W. WAT£H1D!=S.WATCHID; (viii) SELECT WATCH_NAME, QTYSTORE, SUM (QTY_SOLD), QTY_STORESUM (QTYSOLD) “STOCK” FROM WATCHES W, SALE S WHERE W. WATCHID = S.WATCHID GROUP BY S.WATCHID; SELECT * FROM WATCHES WHERE WATCH_NAME LIKE ‘%TIME’. Question 5: SELECT MIN(RENT) FROM RESORT Where PLACE = ‘KERALA’; SELECT TYPE, START DATE FROM RESORT Where TYPE ‘2 STAR’. Students preparing for their Class 12 exams are suggested to solve Computer Science (Python) CBSE Question Paper to boost up your speed and accuracy … Deepika wants to remove all rows from the table BANK. PLACE AND TYPE = ‘3 STAR’); SELECT RCODE, PLACE FROM RESORT mere TYPE = “5 STAR” ORDER. SELECT NO, NAME, TDATE FROM TRIP ORDER BY NO; SELECT NO, NAME, TDATE, KM, TCODE FROM TRIP, TO DISPLAY THE MORE THAN ONE COUNT OF TCODE FROM THE TABLE TRIP. Skip to content. CBSE Class 12th Computer Science/Python Sample Paper 2020. To display sum of PrizeMoney for each type of GAMES. To display ItemNo and Item name of those items from STOCK table whose UnitPrice is more than Rupees 10. More Detail Class 12 Python Sample paper for 2017 Write the command to implement the same. Class 12 Python Sample paper in PDF format is now availalable for download. Consider the following tables CARDEN and CUSTOMER and answer (b) and (c) parts of this question: Question 9: Answer: ©
SELECT WATCH_NAME, PRICE WATCH WHERE PRICE BETWEEN 5000 AND 15000; SELECT SUM (QTY STORE) FROM WATCHES WHERE TYPE LIKE ‘UNISEX’; SELECT WATCHNAME, QTY SOLD FROM WATCHES W,SALE S WHERE W. WATCHID = S. WATCHID. These can assist you in gaining an in-depth knowledge of the subject.Since computer science is an integral subject in a student’s curriculum, our detailed intext of the CBSE class 12 computer science question paper 2017 with solutions contains step by step answers. ... NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Computer Science … To display the applicant’s name with their respective course’s name from the tables APPLICANTS and COURSES. Which command is used to implement the same? SELECT NAME FROM TEACHER WHERE NAME = “$$0?”; SELECT Rate* Qty FROM STORE WHERE ItemNo=2004; SELECT Item, Sname FROM STORE S, Suppliers P. SELECT * FROM STORE ORDER BY LastBuy ASC; SELECT ItemNo, Item FROM STORE WHERE Rate > 15; SELECT * FROM STORE WHERE (Scode = ’22’ OR Qty >’110′); SELECT Sname, MIN(Rate) FROM STORE, SUPPLIERS WHERE STORE. TO display the content Of all the EMPLOYEES table, whose DOJ is in between ’09-Feb-2006′ and ’08-Aug-2009′. It is a DML command. Last Year Revision Notes for CBSE exam 2020 2021 for XI and XII, Revised Syllabus 2020-21 Table : VEHICLE Note: PERKS is Freight Charges per kilometer. CBSE class 12 previous year question papers with solutions. Question 13: Important Questions for Class 12 Computer Science (Python) – Structured Query Language Short Answer Type Questions Question 1: Write queries for (i) to (iv) and find ouputs for SQL queries (v) to (viii), which are based on the tables. Question 8: To display the content of the Activity table whose schedule date earlier than 01-01-2004 in ascending order of Participants Num. (b) Write SQL commands for the following statements : (c) Give the output of the following SQL queries : Answer: Answer: Question paper is divided into 4 sections A, B, C and D. Section A : Unit-1 Give a suitable example of a table with sample data and illustrate Primary and Alternate Keys in it. Answer: SELEC MAX (PRICE), MIN (PRICE) FROM PRODUCTS; SELECT * FROM PRODUCTS ORDER BY PNAME ASC; SELECT PNAME, PRICE FROM PRODUCTS WHERE ((PRICE => 10000) AND (PRICE = < 15000)); SELECT SUPCODE, COUNT (PID) FROM PRODUCTS GROUP BY SUPCODE; SELECT PRICE, PNAME, QTY FROM PRODUCTS WHERE (QTY > 100); SELECT SNAME FROM SUPPLIERS WHERE ((CITY = “DELHI”) OR (CITY = “CHENNAI”)); SELECT COMPANY, PNAME FROM PRO-DUCTS ORDER BY COMPANY DESC; 4. Question 4: CBSE Previous Year Solved Papers Class 12 Computer Science CBSE Sample Papers. This document is highly rated by Computer Science Engineering (CSE) students and has been viewed 3810 times. Write SQL commands for the following statements: To display the names of all the silver coloured cars. Question 1: To display the content of the GAMES table in ascending order of Schedule Date. SELECT NAME FROM COMPANY ORDER BY NAME DESC; To display TEACHERNAME, PERIODS of all teachers whose periods are more than 25. To display minimum Rate of items for each supplier individually as per Scode from the table STORE. The wildcards are incorrect. Give the output of the following SQL queries: SELECT MAX(Charges), MIN (Charges) FROM CARDEN; Give a suitable example of a table with sample data and illustrate Primary and Candidate Keys in it. CBSE Maths notes, CBSE physics notes, CBSE chemistry notes. Question 6: NCERT Solutions for all the subjects of class 12 is available on this page including NCERT Class 12 Solution for Computer Science Python, Physics, Maths, economics are provided below to download in … Here, is a list of chapters for your reference: 232, Block C-3, Janakpuri, New Delhi,
SELECT Qty* UnitPrice FROM STOCK WHERE ItemNo=5006; SELECT Item, Dname FROM STOCK S, Dealers D WHERE S.Dcode=D.Dcode AND ItemNo = 5004; SELECT Item No, Item FROM STOCK WHERE UnitPrice >10; SELECT MAX (Unitprice) FROM DEALERS, STOCK ORDER BY STOCK. To display the details of all resorts which are started after 31-DEC-05 from table RESORT. While creating table ‘customer’, Rahul forgot to add column ‘price’. Give the output of following SQL statements: SELECT NAME FROM APPLICANTS WHERE FEE >30000, SELECT NAME FROM APPLICANTS ORDERBY JOINYEAR ASC. Hello Students In this article, we have discussed the Class 12 Computer Science Previous Year Paper.Previous Year Papers is most beneficial especially for the preparation of school exam. CBSE previous year question papers class 12 Computer Science with solutions PDF Solved by Computer Science Experts experts to score good marks in the CBSE Class 12 Board Exams. All these question papers are available in PDF format by LearnCBSE and can be downloaded easily. CBSE class 12 computer science covers interesting & complex programming concepts. To display the details of all employees who has joined before 2007 from EMPLOYEE table. It is advisable to set aside time to solve this paper like a real exam, in order to gauge areas where you could improve yourself. COMPUTER SCIENCE – PYTHON, STARTDATE > ’31-DEC-05′; SELECT OWNER FROM RESOR OWNEDBY B WHERE (A.TYPE START’ AND A.PLACE B.PLACE); To display details of all the items in the STORE table in ascending order of LastBuy. TO DISPLAY THE NAME AND EXPENDITARE OF A TRANSPORTER WHO HAVE TCODE AS 105. To display the content of all the workers table, whose DOB is in between ’19-JAN- 1984′ and ’18-JAN-1987′. Ltd. Download books and chapters from book store. Question 6: Differentiate between DELETE and DROP table commands ? To display the names of those suppliers, who are either from DELHI or from CHENNAI. Consider the following tables EMPLOYEE and DEPARTMENT and answer (a) and (b) parts of this question. To display the details of all the products in ascending order of product names (i.e., PNAME). Get here latest CBSE Class 12 2020 Sample Papers for Computer Science New. To display ItemNo and Item name of those items from STORE table whose Rate is more than 15 Rupees. (b) Write the output of the following SQL. To display NAME and DESIGN of those EMPLOYEES, whose SAL-GRADE is either S02 or S03. NOP is number of passangers travelled in vechicle. is a unary operation written as (R) or (R) where: The selection (R) selects all those tuples in R for which 9 holds between the a and the b. To display details of those GAMES which are having PrizeMoney more than 7000. SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT Number) FROM GAMES; SELECT MAX(ScheduleDate), MIN(Sche- duleDate) FROM GAMES, SELECT Name, GameName FROM GAMES G, PLAYER P. SELECT * FROM Games WHERE PrizeMoney >7000; SELECT * FROM Games ORDER BY ScheduleDate; SELECT SUM(Pnzemoney) FROM Games GROUPBY Type; To display the names of all activities with their Acodes in descending order. There are various sets of Class 12 CBSE Question Paper which came in the year 2019 board examination. You can access textbook questions as well as additional Zigya Questions and Exam Questions with solutions. NCERT solutions provide a strong foundation for every chapter. Class: XII Session: 2020-21 Computer Science (083) Sample Question Paper (Theory) Maximum Marks: 70 Time Allowed: 3 hours General Instructions: 1. It is a DDL command. Which command is used to add new column in the table. You can access textbook questions as well as additional Zigya Questions and Exam Questions with solutions. To display CNO, CNAME, TRAVELDATE from the table TRAVEL in descending order of CNO. Solve them to be thorough with the question paper pattern and difficulty level of 12th board exams. Projection(ff): In relational algebra, a projection is a unary operafion. Write SQL query to add a column total price with datatype numeric and size 10, 2 in a table product. Classes 6 to 12 students need to have a great practice of all the concept and one of the best ways to achieve the same is through Previous Year Papers. To display name of vehicle name and capacity of vehicles in ascending order of their sitting capacity. Each part is compulsory. Consider the following tables EMPLOYEE and SALGRADE and answer (b) and (c) parts of this question: (a) What do you understand by Selection and Projection operations in relational algebra ? To display the average age of Employees in DepCde as 103. To display the year and the total number of applicants joined in each YEAR from the table APPLICANTS. To display the NO and NAME of those drivers from the table TRIP who travelled between ‘2015-02-10’ and ‘2015-04-01’. To display the name of DepHead of the Employee named “Sanjeev P”. Give the output of the following SQL queries : SELECT Vehicle FROM CABHUB WHERE Capacity=4; SELECT VehicleName, capacity From CABHUB ORDER BY Capacity ASC; SELECT Cname,VehicleName FROM CABHUB, CUSTOMER WHERE CUSTOMER. CBSE Papers PDF: Class-X, Class-XII (Download) CBSE: Class XII Computer Science Question Paper - 2019 Disclaimer: This website is not at associated with CBSE, For official website of CBSE visit - www.cbse… To display the name of all GAMES with their GCodes. Dcode WHERE DEALERS.Dcode = STOCK.Dcode. Sonal needs to display name of teachers, who have “0” as the third character in their name. SELECT COUNT(*) , CITY FROM COMPANY GROUP BY CITY; SELECT MIN(PRICE), MAX(PRICE) FROM CUSTOMER WHERE QTY>10; SELECT AVG(QTY) FROM CUSTOMER WHERE NAME LIKE “%r%; SELECT NAME FROM COMPANY WHERE COMPANY.CID=CUSTOMER. Download the PDF Question Papers Free for off line practice and view the Solutions online. To display all the details from table TRIP in which the distance travelled is more than 100 KM in ascending order of NOP. Class 12 Python Sample Papers – year wise 2019. The book Computer Science With Python contains 17 chapters for class 12 students. CBSE Previous Year Question Papers for Class 12 are available here for all the major subjects such as Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Biology, Hindi, English, Commerce and Humanities. CBSE Sample Papers from ... Computer Science Sample Question Paper: Answers/ Marking Scheme: 2018-2019: ... Download: 2015-2016: PDF Download: Download: A.DELHI. TO DISPLAY ALL THE DETAILS OF THOSE WATCHES WHOSE NAME ENDS WITH ‘TIME’. has given previous year Physics question paper for class 12 with solutions for the year 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, and 2014. There are approximately 120 questions in the book. SELECT MAX (PRICE), MIN (PRICE) FROM ITEMS; SELECT INAME, TNAME FROM ITEMS I, TRADERS T WHERE I.TCODE=T.TCODE AND QTY< 100; SELECT INAME, PRICE FROM ITEMS WHERE PRICE => 10000 AND PRICE =< 22000; (c) SELECT TCODE, COUNT (CODE) FROM ITEMS GROUP BY TCODE; SELECT PRICE, INAME, QTY FROM ITEMS WHERE (QTY> 150); SELECT TNAME FROM TRADERS WHERE (CITY = “DELHI”) OR (CITY = “MUMBAI”). Here we are providing the most comprehensive NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Computer Science (Python) PDF Chapter-wise. To display the number of products, which are supplied by each suplier. Identify the problem. Previous Years Question Papers. Both Part A and Part B have choices. Write SQL commands for the queries (i) to (iv) and output for (v) & (viii) based on a table COMPANY and CUSTOMER. But he needs to maintain the structure of the table. To display Minimum and Maximum Price of each Name of Accessories. To display maximum UnitPrice of items for each dealer individually as per Dcode from the table STOCK. DELETE command is used to remove infor¬mation from a particular row or rows. Study variety of question types from Exam (7). The expected output of this query should be: To display the price, item name and quantity (i.e., qty) of those items which have quantity more than 150. To display the customer name and the corresponding name of the vehicle hired by them. To display the details of all EMPLOYEES in descending order of DOJ. Obtain the outputs of the following SQL queries based on the data given in tables PRODUCTS and SUPPLIERS above. To display Name and Price of all the Accessories in ascending order of their Price. These solved question papers of Computer Science (Python) can then be refered while preparing for the Class 12 board exam. Python tutorial for beginners, python for class xi, python for class xii, python for bca, c language tutorial CBSE class XII sample papers 2020 - Computer Science Tutorial Display the OWNER of all ‘5 STAR’ resorts from tables RESORT and OWNEDBY. COMPUTER SCIENCE – NEW (083) SAMPLE QUESTION PAPER (2019-20) CLASS- XII Max. Currently questions not available in Application of Boolean Logic. To display the NAME of the drivers from the table TRIP who are traveling by transport vehicle with code 101 or 103. To display the C_ID (i.e., CourselD) and the number of applicants registered in the course from the APPLICANTS and table. These Python Sample papers are divided into years. Consider the following tables SCHOOL and ADMIN and answer this question : Question 3: To display item name and price of all those items, whose price is in the range of 10000 and 22000 (both values inclusive). SELECr MAX (RENT), MIN (RENT) FROM RESORT GROUP BY TYPE; SELECT FROM RESORT WHERE OSWAAL (BSE Question Bank. This Python Guess paper was developed by CBSE strictly as per the question paper blue-print published in Class 12 Computer Science Syllabus 2017.. As you are very well aware that, right now CBSE is offering two languages in Computer Science C++ and Python, the same way CBSE class 12 Python Sample paper … Consider the following tables ACTIVITY and COACH and answer (a) and (b) parts of this question : (b) Give the output of the following SQL queries: Question 15: All solutions are latest and strictly follow the CBSE pattern. CBSE Question Paper Class 12 2019 Computer Science with Answers are given below. To display the names of those traders, who are either from DELHI or from MUMBAI. To display the coach’s name and acodes in ascending order of Acode from the table Coach. Obtain the outputs of the following SQL queries based on the data given in tables ITEMS and TRADERS above. Study variety of question types from Exam (25), Study variety of question types from Exam (6), Study variety of question types from Exam (8), Study variety of question types from Exam (15), Study variety of question types from Exam (3), Study variety of question types from Exam (9), Study variety of question types from Exam (5), Study variety of question types from Exam (2), Study variety of question types from Exam (4), Study variety of question types from Exam (16), Study variety of question types from Exam (1). It will help you to score well and prepare for the final examination according to a latest pattern.We have also provided you with the latest Marking scheme for this sample paper, as it would help you understand the pattern and division of sections. But one can easily excel in this subject with proper and regular practice. Download NCERT Books and Apps for offline use based on new CBSE Syllabus. Educational Study Material. To add one more column totalprice with decimal] 10,2) to the table customer. CBSE marking scheme and blue print is provided along with the previous year question paper. NCERT Solutions Class 12 Computer Science Python with Chapter-wise, detailed are given with the objective of helping students compare their answers with the example. There are 2 wildcard operators. Vcode; To display all DepName along with the DepCde in descending order of DepCde. Write SQL queries for (a) to (f) and write the outputs for the SQL queries mentioned shown in (gl) to (g4) parts on the basis of tables PRODUCTS and SUPPLIERS. Write SQL qureries for (i) to (iv) and find outputs for SQL queries (v) to (viii), which are based on the tables TRANSPORT and TRIE. To display the names of the companies and the names of the items in descending order of company names. Class 12 Python Sample Paper 2019 | Marking Scheme; 2017. CID AND. These class 12 python sample papers are strictly designed as per the CBSE guidelines for Computer science question paper for CBSE Board Examination. To display the highest charges at which a vehicle can be hired from CABHUB. Consider the following tables CABHUB and CUSTOMER and answer (b) and (c) parts of this question : Question 10: To display names of all applicants in ascending order of their joinyear. SELECT RCODE, RENT FROM RESORT, OWNEDBY WHERE (RESORT PLACE= OWNEDBY. To display the CNO and CNAME of those customers from the table TRAVEL who travelled between ‘2015-1231’ and ‘2015-05-01’. To display the name of the companies and the name of the products in descending order of company names. Selection(): In relational algebra, a selection Previous Year Question Paper – Download in PDF. Important Questions for Class 12 Computer Science (Python) chapter - 1 – Review of Python We have provided database of Class 12 Computer Science question papers with solutions and is available for free download or read online. To display the name of the companies in reverse alphabetical order. She wrote the following query. CBSE Question Paper 2018 class 12 Computer Science conducted by Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi in the month of March 2018.CBSE previous year question papers with solution are available in myCBSEguide mobile app and cbse guide website. Write SQL commands for the queries (i) to (iv) and output for (v) to (viii) based on the tables Watches’ and Sale given below. 3. So, students, we have shared the CBSE previous year computer science question paper for class 12 of 2018. To increase the prize by 1000 for those customer whose name starts with „S? class 12 computer science python chapter wise notes pdf and Informatics practices notes. SELECT SGRADE, SALARY +HRA FROM SALGRADE WHERE SGRADE =SGRADE=’S02;’. To display sum of PrizeMoney for the Activities played in each of the Stadium separately. In this paper, you are free to choose any one of the programmings either C++ or Python. To display NAME and DESIGN of those Workers, whose PLEVEL is either P001 or. SELECT COUNT (DISTINCT Participants Num) FROM ACTIVITY; SELECT MAX (Schedule Date), Min (Schedule Date) FROM ACTIVITY; SELECT Name, Activity Name FROM ACTIVITY A, COACH C. SELECT Acodes, ActivityName FROM ACTIVITY ORDER BY ACode DESC; SELECT SUM(PrizeMoney) FROM ACTIVITY GROUP BY Stadium; SELECT Name, Acode FROM COACH ORDER BY Acode; SELECT * FROM ACTIVITY WHERE SchduleDate < ’01-Jan-2004′ ORDER BY ParticipantsNum; To display the RCODE and PLACE of all ‘5 STAR’ resorts in the alphabetical order of the place from table RESORT. TO DISPLAY TOTAL QUANTITY IN STORE OF UNISEX TYPE WATCHES. Questions asked are basic Syntax writing, algorithm writing and you will be also tested on how well you write a program. To display all the details from table TRAVEL for the customers, who have travel distacne more than 120 KM in ascending order of NOE. Students may download the Computer Science (Python) subject CBSE Class 12 question papers PDF. To display names of car, make and capacity of cars in descending order of their sitting capacity. Vcode=CABHUB. Question 1: But the query is’nt producing the result. ALTER TABLE CUSTOMER ADD PRICE NUMBER (10, 2). Consider the following tables STORE and SUPPLIERS and answer (a) and (b) parts of this question: (a) Write SQL commands for the following statements: Question 17: Consider the following tables STOCK and DEALERS and answer (a) and (b) parts of this question: (a)Write SQL commands for the following statements: (b)Give the output of the following SQL queries: PythonNCERT SolutionsEnglishHindiHumanitiesCommerceScience, Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Physics Solutions Guide, Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Biology Solutions Guide, Important Questions for Class 12 Computer Science (Python) – Structured Query Language, NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science History Chapter 3 Ruling the countryside, NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English An Alien Hand Chapter 9 A Tiger in the House, NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science History Chapter 2 From Trade to Territory, NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English An Alien Hand Chapter 8 The Bear Story, NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English An Alien Hand Chapter 7 Chandni, NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English An Alien Hand Chapter 6 I Want Something in a Cage, NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English An Alien Hand Chapter 5 Golu Grows a Nose, NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science History Chapter 1 How, When and Where, NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English An Alien Hand Chapter 4 The Cop and the Anthem, NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Geography Chapter 1 Resources, NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English An Alien Hand Chapter 3 The Desert, NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English An Alien Hand Chapter 2 Bringing up Kari, NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science SST, NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science SST, NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English An Alien Hand Chapter 1 The Tiny Teacher. To display the details of all the items in ascending order of item names (i.e., INAME). DROP table command is used to remove the entire structure of the table and information. CBSE class 12 question papers last 10 years pdf – The solved question paper of class 12 CBSE for all subject including Physics, Chemistry, Biology, English, Mathematics, Hindi, Business Studies, Accountancy, Computer Science and other Subject have been given below in PDF to download free. Cbse last year class 12 computer science board question paper with free pdf download from Vedantu will help you in understanding the very basic of programming-based problems. You can access textbook questions as well as additional Zigya Questions and Exam Questions with solutions. The book Computer Science With Python contains 17 chapters for class 12 students. To display the customer name and the corresponding name of the cars hired by them. Write queries for (i) to (iv) and find ouputs for SQL queries (v) to (viii), which are based on the tables. Answer the questions (a) and (b) on the basis of the following tables SHOP and ACCESSORIES. Informatics practices notes, 2020 0 from CARDEN, Place from RESORT mere TYPE = $! Hired from CABHUB playing fee more than 100 km in ascending order of their sitting capacity 12th Python cbse class 12 computer science python question paper with solutions.... Python ) subject CBSE Class 12 Computer Science has been viewed 3810 times been recently released by the board. Provided to help you calculate marks you can score stepwise APPLICANTS and.... From STOCK table in ascending order of DOJ for CBSE board Examination Rate is more than 90.! Will DELETE all row information but not the structure of the Employee named “ Sanjeev ”. ” ; but the query is ’ nt producing the result km is kilometers NOP. Solved is available in Application of Boolean Logic SCHOOL and ADMIN of Male teachers,... 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cbse class 12 computer science python question paper with solutions 2020