They object to the endless maneuvers of the Democrats to name a crime and try to pin it on the sitting President. Learn more about the astrology behind this stunning rare celestial event. He faced ongoing opposition from Democrats who supported immigration reform as of 2006, but now opposed it. The Democrats so far have not put forth a strong enough candidate to beat him, so they have been doing everything in their power to remove him from office. Even so, Jupiter achieves better results in FIRE and WATER signs, where it owns a FIRE sign (Sagittarius) and a WATER sign (Pisces) and is exalted in another WATER sign (Cancer). For the first time it opened the doors to immigrants from Asia and Africa. Saturn wants us to grow, evolve and become the owner of our lives. Its purpose was to administer civilian foreign aid and development assistance. The much anticipated Jupiter Saturn conjunction finally arrives on 21 December 2020 in Aquarius. But don’t wait until December to start watching these worlds. In mundane astrology these planets give out several events across the universe based on its conjunctions in various zodiacal signs. Senator and current Democratic Presidential candidate; Pete Buttigieg, current Democratic Presidential candidate; David Souter, U.S. Supreme Court Justice (1990-2009); Walter Isaacson, CNN President and CEO (2001-2003), Aspen Institute President (2003-2018); and Harvard Law professor Noah Feldman, recently called by Democrats to testify on why President Trump should be impeached. This should be within 24 hours or less, and in this case the range is 7 ½ hours. Jupiter-Saturn conjunction today, November 2 2020. While that date marks their only exact meetup, these two have been riding close enough together to be in conjunction for all of 2020. Network and collaboration will become more important than top-down hierarchies. Unfortunately, such aid started to become a regular political tool for enriching members of Congress and their families. This particular Jupiter-Saturn alignment is a one-off aspect. In many ways, our entire planet is advancing to a new level and looking for debts to be paid. of Justice), FBI, and CIA. And though the first self-propelled motorized vehicle was invented in France in 1789, with more inventions throughout the 1800s, it took until the start of the EARTH period to bring the technology, the efficient practicality, and greater business and engineering skills that resulted in the first mass production of automobiles – this among many other items of modern day life: radio, television, and movies, to name a few that burgeoned after 1921. This forms a pattern of repeating triangles, as drawn by Kepler in his De Stella Nova: Kepler’s Trigon. Queen Victoria died some 10 months earlier on Jan. 22, 1901. Such conjunction is one of the rarest one in Astrology. There were major wars to determine which royal family would dominate. Among prominent American Rhodes scholars are former U.S. President Bill Clinton; MSNBC host Rachel Maddow; ABC host George Stephanopoulos; Susan Rice, National Security Director for President Barack Obama; Cory Booker, N.J. Though it will take 19 years for tr. It also signifies Saturn’s movement from the sign of Capricorn where it’s been for the almost three years into the sign of Aquarius where it’ll stay until March 2023. Jupiter invites us to expand our world through new endeavors. President Woodrow Wilson was selected, funded, and groomed to promote the Federal Reserve Bank. It becomes exact just 7 ½ hours after the Winter Solstice. This period is marked by consolidation of resources, including many mergers of corporations into corporate conglomerates. Where some may experience big changes around this time, others may not notice much. It has been speculated as the infamous ‘Star of … However, this hiatus was short-lived. In this post, we’ll explore how that cycle works and… The Glorious Revolution of 1688 occurred six years after the triple WATER conjunctions of 1682 in Cancer. Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions occur in signs of the same element for a mean period of a bit less than 200 years at a stretch, typically with some overlap at the beginning and end of the cycle. Pluto will also enter the sign of Aquarius in 2023, so in the coming years we will witness a profound transformation of the world and society. In the process, there was the subjugation and destruction of other peoples and cultures for religion and royalty. Cecil Rhodes was a diamond mining magnate who made one of the largest fortunes of the era in South Africa. The first colonists were often very religious and very loyal to the British crown, and 20% of the population remained so as of 1776. Naval supremacy and ship-building were of paramount importance. Here are 5 things to know about this wonderful celestial event: 1. We should also know a few thematic highlights of the AIR period for upcoming centuries. About Jupiter-Saturn Conjunctions. So far, it is the best I know, the astrologer mentions planetary war, which planet wins, how the war can affect people, etc. A star about courage. President Trump now looks poised to win a second term in Nov. 2020, especially coinciding with the power of this fulcrum JU-SA conjunction. The Trump administration wants to make reforms in this ongoing corruption, which has not changed or improved since a 2002 American Economic Review analysis. Shocking ideas that benefit humanity. They are marauders who should not be allowed on the streets, but they are the face of those who will gladly break the law (or you) to make sure your side does not win. That would come more strongly in the FIRE period. In the core FIRE and WATER periods that preceded the 20th century, we have seen that the trends were not reversed or modified at the fulcrum point halfway through the cycle. However, they ran into trouble in Nov. 2016 when their chosen candidate did not win. His famous “Manifest Destiny” (1845) stated that the U.S. had a duty and a right to extend its influence and territory across North America. Johnson now vows to implement the Brexit vote by Jan. 31, 2020. Cecil Rhodes was the first to coin the term “One World Government,” i.e. Being the slowest moving planets both Jupiter & Saturn get conjunct once in 19years or so.This conjunction can give ethical approach, punctual life style in a person if well placed as per sign and house. Saturn helps us to stick with those endeavors th Before returning to the core EARTH period, we will move on to reviewing some major events during the core WATER and FIRE periods. Saturn and Pluto were within half a degree from each other in Gemini. To understand how this event will impact us directly, we have to understand Jupiter and Saturn energies and how they interplay. The ability to manifest products and mass produce them efficiently comes into fruition in the EARTH period. As we look now at the most recent FIRE period (1723 to 1921), we note there are three “standout conjunctions” of Jupiter and Saturn prior to the fulcrum conjunction in 1841. This table lists all such alignments from 600 BCE (aka BC) to … Rhodes wanted to build such a universe without most people realizing it was happening. Aquarius is the sign that represents the collective. Latest Post: Jupiter Saturn conjunction, 60 year cycles & the yugas Our newest member: Recent Posts Unread Posts Tags Forum Icons: Forum contains no unread posts Forum contains unread posts The JU-SA conjunction of 1782 gains strength by virtue of occurring at the Galactic Center, and because of that I consider that the American Revolutionary War dragged on for six years from 1776. In turn, they would be likely to deny perpetrating any such thing. All Rights Reserved. The conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter marks the beginning of a social cycle marked by those values of the sign in which they are found. Astrology informs us that the 20-year Jupiter-Saturn conjunction cycles are pivotal in assessing socio-political-economic trends. The stock market is also at all time highs. U.S. demographics changed radically after Oct. 1965, with large increases in non-white populations and 18 million legal immigrants entering the U.S. over the next 30 years. This is due to a weakening of Jupiter’s strength in the EARTH period, while Saturn is very strong in EARTH, notably in Capricorn. To step up and be responsible for ourselves. Know more about the astrology effect of Jupiter and Saturn Conjunction on all zodiac signs. Yet the ongoing theme of the entire core WATER period remained one of royalty and religion. Aquarian themes will be highlighted in a profound way until 2023. Indeed, only a few months after that conjunction King George III announced the Cessation of Hostilities in the American Revolutionary War. (Prior to that a similar printing method existed in China from 1040 and in Korea ca. To have Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, while Uranus is in Taurus has happened only one other year, in the 10,000-year period 4999 BCE to 4999 CE. The fulcrum conjunction in both cases lacked the power to do so, and thus the trends of those core periods continued on with no interruption. For others, Saturn brings rewards for a job well done. Saturn asks you to be disciplined and to do spiritual work. But these two are neutral to each other. They now receive many taxpayer-funded benefits, notably in Democratic-run cities or states, called “Sanctuary cities” and “Sanctuary states.” There was a 300% increase in illegal immigrants to the U.S. just since 2014, six years before the next major JU-SA conjunction. As the Jupiter Saturn conjunction is so pivotal, this energy affects us on a global level too. They want us to move faster into chaos so that those few who want control of the One World Government can do so swiftly. Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions are sociopolitical game changers. The immense resistance to the Nationalists – as epitomized by opposition to Brexit and later Prime Minister Boris Johnson in the U.K., and to President Donald Trump in the U.S. –  is highly significant in and of itself, notably the increasingly desperate attempts to remove Trump from office. When we compare this core EARTH period to the previous core periods in the WATER and FIRE elements, we look for whether the historical themes remain consistent throughout the core period of a particular element. If we haven’t done the work, Saturn can come along and test us by breaking everything apart. When the U.S. entered World War I on April 7, 1917, the U.S. Committee on Public Information (CPI) was formed only six days later. Corporate and banking conglomerates have more and more central power over policy, including the waging of wars. We note the trends six to seven years prior to the conjunction – especially the JU-SA conjunction at the fulcrum – as those years can indicate whether a significant change is brewing. This led to the invention of the Atom bomb in the early 1940s during the FIRE to EARTH Mutation period (1901-1961), resonating with the triple FIRE conjunctions in Aries, and later the workings of cyberspace, the Internet, cell phones and laptop computers in the 1980s and 1990s. The first passenger car to use this brake system was manufactured by Duesenberg in 1921. Global Compact on Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, as did leaders from Germany and France. And they are not alone in this practice. And we can assume that material prosperity and technological advances have been positive factors in manifesting this reality. There is an increasingly long list. We started the year with the Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn which had not occurred for over 500 years. After 59 years, Jupiter and Saturn are aligned together in Capricorn. Pluto is in the Vargottama sector of Capricorn. Rising Woman Special Astrology Report: Jupiter Saturn Conjunction December 21, 2020 at 10:21am PST @ 0° of Aquarius Theme: Profound Awakening On December 21st, 2020 the great benefic, Jupiter and the great malefic, Saturn will conjunct at 0° of Aquarius. Some astrologers say it happened in the 60’s, others say it’ll happen in 120 years from now. This is a big year to focus on our spiritual pursuits, to let go of old rigid ways and to welcome in new insights, new ideas and revolution. In and Out Astrology. We will soon explore how Donald Trump’s presidency and the U.K.’s Brexit vote symbolize key dynamics leading up to Dec. 2020. Actually, the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction portends a great shift in the affected governments. As we approach this tipping point, the excesses or weaknesses of any ideology become more obvious, as if they are ready to either explode or break. So we see how there were no changes in trend after 1841, which has no extra power and has none of the attributes of the Standout Conjunctions. Rising Woman offers resources guiding you to the root of your relational issues while encouraging you to find an authentic pathway of deep healing. This was after years of out-of-control immigration and up to 29 million illegal immigrants living in the U.S. as of 2019. The shortest day of the year in some places, where the Sun reaches it’s point furthest from the equator. The next Jupiter Saturn conjunction will take place on December 21, 2020, at zer ... Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! We started the year with the Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn which had not occurred for over 500 years. If you have prominent Jupiter or Saturn placements you will feel this… or if the conjunction occurs on an important part of your chart. The Pope’s blessing was essential to seal a royal marriage, such as that of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain. This is significant because it is the Globalists in the DOJ, FBI and CIA (many of them Obama appointees), who have been resisting the Trump presidency, working against his policies and working actively to try to remove him. Saturn wants us to grow, evolve and become the owner of our lives. Jupiter-Saturn aspects usually form three hits over the course of approximately nine months due to retrograde motion that brings them back together two more times. Shortly we will examine the astrological reasons for this, especially with Graha Yuddha. The midpoint of this SA-PL conjunction was 8:58 Gemini, within 1’ of arc (1/60th of a degree) opposite the USA Ascendant at 8:59 Sagittarius (Kelleher chart). With 17.4 million people voting, it was the largest democratic mandate in British political history, and with a substantial margin of 52% to 48%. This is the largest population leap in world history. His fervent belief in the British Empire and a form of eugenics led him to dedicate most of his fortune towards this end. We have already identified how one of the major themes of the EARTH period is Globalism and Globalization – the concept that all nations should be working together towards a One World Government – and how Nationalism comes into direct confrontation with Globalism because of its more and more obvious aims to weaken the nation-state. The Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction through the houses: 1st house: The house of the physical body and identity. Thus did a handful of big bankers gain greater central control, enabling them to set policy from behind the scenes. We are now nearly 100 years into the 278-year EARTH period, when the 20-year JU-SA conjunction cycles dominate in sidereal EARTH signs (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn). Jupiter-Saturn aspects usually form three hits over the course of approximately nine months due to retrograde motion that brings them back together two more times. We see again and again how nation-states (Jupiter) and their individual citizens became more vulnerable the closer we came to the start of the EARTH period in Sept. 1921, and even more so after Feb. 1961. Witness the Mongolians, or Moguls, in an earlier EARTH period. The 2016 Brexit vote was followed by nearly four years of stalling and resistance to implementing the referendum. Saturn will join Pluto first on January 12, 2020. The Dec. 2020 conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn is a Standout Conjunction because it occurs at the Winter Solstice. It will also feature only Latinos in Latino roles, reflecting today’s multicultural shift from 1961, when Anglo actress Natalie Wood was cast as Maria, the Puerto Rican lead female role. The Great Conjunction of Saturn & Jupiter that occurs every 20 years is a marker for political and economic development. Game on! (Key figures from The Washington Post and CNN have long been CFR members, among others.) Typical of this slower gestation rhythm, the 158-year core WATER period (1544 to 1702) runs longer than the core periods of either EARTH or FIRE, and it shows no major change of trends from the dominance of religion and royalty. Big fortunes and big bankers are pivotal in forging the socio-political-economic history of their times, most especially in the EARTH period when material security (Saturn) is a major theme. A day that signals a shift into the light returning once again. In mundane astrology these planets give out several events across the universe based on its conjunctions in various zodiacal signs. Jupiter is the most benefic while Saturn is the most malefic planet in Vedic astrology. Though it was not always so obvious, it is now clear that leading Leftists are Globalists. These are powerful allies, but then President Trump is no ordinary president, and the 2020 JU-SA conjunction signals an extraordinary president who probably deals with significant odds. In addition, we analyze recurring themes from within a few years of the JU-SA conjunction that happened 60 years earlier (Feb. 18, 1961) or even 120 years earlier (Nov. 28, 1901, the start of the 60-year FIRE to EARTH Mutation period). Jupiter Conjunction Saturn - Seek and meet people born on the same date as you. Of course the first several years after the fulcrum conjunction are also crucial. Perhaps unsurprisingly, 2020 is a big year in astrology. They will always move ahead with a systematic, disciplined, slow and steady approach. In the U.S. several themes from near 1961 are recurring in a big way, as if they are being re-considered and re-negotiated. aid that the U.S. dispenses to foreign countries; 5) the proper role of the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank; and 6) the integrity of U.S. intelligence agencies such as the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) and the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation). The minimal importance of nation-states under this socialist/Globalist orientation is especially concerning in the EARTH period, when nation-states (Jupiter) are more imperiled and corporate conglomerates (Saturn) gain strength. The 1965 U.S. law differed radically from previous immigration laws of the 1920s. For private astrological readings or mentoring email: The closer we get to the conjunction, the more it becomes evident whether the reversal or modification in trend has enough strength to carry it onwards. Democratic President Obama worked to promote the U.N. This particular Jupiter-Saturn alignment is a one-off aspect. It continued past the fulcrum point in 1841 right up to the end of the core FIRE period Nov. 28, 1901. They prospered in many ways, including from their lucrative trade across the 4000-mile (6400 km.) Rising Woman Special Astrology Report: Jupiter Saturn Conjunction December 21, 2020 at 10:21am PST @ 0° of Aquarius Theme: Profound Awakening . This is a historic […] This should be within 24 hours or less, and in this case the range is 7 ½ hours. Bush) to the Supreme Court as a presumably conservative justice, quickly became one of the staunchest Liberals of the court. A pro-Nationhood, anti-Globalist action capable of indicating a change of element subjugation. It off, Jupiter, Saturn will conjunct at 0° of Aquarius the. 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