“I Need a Lift: Pushing the Limits in a 152” by Catherine Cavagnaro, PILOT Magazine, AOPA, November 2021.
“Here’s the Gouge: Proper Preflight Planning is Always on the Test” by Catherine Cavagnaro, PILOT Magazine, AOPA, October 2021.
“Fly It Like You Bought It: Treating Aircraft with Care” by Catherine Cavagnaro, PILOT Magazine, AOPA, September 2021.
“Push-Pull: Anatomy of a Pilot-Induced Oscillation” by Catherine Cavagnaro, PILOT Magazine, AOPA, August 2021.
“What Matters Most: If a Performance Chart Could Talk” by Catherine Cavagnaro, PILOT Magazine, AOPA, July 2021.
“What a Drag: Taking a Cue from Multiengine Training” by Catherine Cavagnaro, PILOT Magazine, AOPA, June 2021.
“Overextended: Proper Use of Flaps Requires Understanding of the Aerodynamics” by Catherine Cavagnaro, PILOT Magazine, AOPA, May 2021. Aerodynamics of Flaps Video.
“Learning to Call BS: If It Sounds Too Good to Be True” by Catherine Cavagnaro, PILOT Magazine, AOPA, April 2021.
“Lessons from a CFI: When Things Don’t Go Exactly as Planned” by Catherine Cavagnaro, PILOT Magazine, AOPA, March 2021.
“Looking for Moose: Mastering Stalls and Turns Around a Point” by Catherine Cavagnaro, PILOT Magazine, AOPA, February 2021.
“Coordinating Chaos: Identifying the Fix on an Approach Procedure” by Catherine Cavagnaro, PILOT Magazine, AOPA, January 2021.
“New Panel, New Checklist: I’ve Seen My Share of Checklist Missteps” by Catherine Cavagnaro, PILOT Magazine, AOPA, December 2020.
“Upset Training Guru: Meet Sean Horton of UPS” by Catherine Cavagnaro, PILOT Magazine: Turbine Edition, AOPA, November 2020.
“Recovery Procedures: A Better Understanding of Inadvertent Spirals” by Catherine Cavagnaro, PILOT Magazine, AOPA, November 2020.
“It’s Complicated: Performing a Chandelle Smoothly and Effortlessly” by Catherine Cavagnaro, PILOT Magazine, AOPA, September 2020.
“New Airplane, New W&B: Check that Center of Gravity” by Catherine Cavagnaro, PILOT Magazine, AOPA, August 2020.
“Flying with Purpose: Practicing on the UPS Simulator” by Catherine Cavagnaro, PILOT Magazine, AOPA, July 2020.
“Flare is Not a Four-letter Word, And Other Lessons From the Porch” by Catherine Cavagnaro, PILOT Magazine, AOPA, June 2020.
“Take it to the Bank: The Anatomy of a Turn” by Catherine Cavagnaro, PILOT Magazine, AOPA, May 2020.
“Landing Like a Pro: Don’t be a Slave to Your Checklist” by Catherine Cavagnaro, PILOT Magazine, AOPA, April 2020.
“Kid Tested: Flying with Kids and Becoming a Better Pilot” by Catherine Cavagnaro, PILOT Magazine, AOPA, February 2020.
“Real Deal: Staying IFR Proficient without a ‘Real’ Airplane” by Catherine Cavagnaro, PILOT Magazine, AOPA, January 2020.
“Like a Pro: Commercial Training beyond the ACS” by Catherine Cavagnaro, PILOT Magazine, AOPA, December 2019.
“No Equations Required: The Secret of Flight Doesn’t Need to Be” by Catherine Cavagnaro, PILOT Magazine, AOPA, November 2019. The Secret of Flight by Alexander Lippisch/University of Iowa Video Series.
“Checkride Versus Reality: How Should You Make an Emergency Descent in Your Airplane?” by Catherine Cavagnaro, PILOT Magazine, AOPA, October 2019.
“The Perfect Aircraft (for the Mission): No Such Thing as No Compromises” by Catherine Cavagnaro, PILOT Magazine, AOPA, September 2019.
“Relax and Go with the Flow: Brain Teasers and the Big Picture” by Catherine Cavagnaro, PILOT Magazine, AOPA, August 2019.
“On Target: A Master’s Degree in Engine-Out Procedures” by Catherine Cavagnaro, PILOT Magazine, AOPA, July 2019.
“Making it Happen: Density-Altitude Tips for a Bucket List Adventure” by Catherine Cavagnaro, PILOT Magazine, AOPA, June 2019.
“Not So Fast: Lessons from Maneuvering Speed” by Catherine Cavagnaro, PILOT Magazine, AOPA, May 2019.
“Taming the Stall: Slips, Skids and Centering the Ball” by Catherine Cavagnaro, PILOT Magazine, AOPA, April 2019. Slipping and Skidding Stalls Video
“There’s a Chart for That: Can You Make the Climb?” by Catherine Cavagnaro, PILOT Magazine, AOPA, February 2019.
“In the Vortex: The Truth about Wake Turbulence” by Catherine Cavagnaro, PILOT Magazine, AOPA, December 2018. Wake Turbulence Video
“Coming Up Short: Your Best Glide Probably Isn’t” by Catherine Cavagnaro, PILOT Magazine, AOPA, September 2018.
“Aircraft Longitudinal Oscillations” by Catherine Cavagnaro, The UMAP Journal, 38, December 2017. Spiral Inducing an Oscillation Video
“Along for the Ride. Aircraft Control: Too Much Isn’t a Good Thing.” by Catherine Cavagnaro, PILOT Magazine, AOPA, August 2017. Spiral Inducing an Oscillation Video
“Dissecting the PIO” by Catherine Cavagnaro, AvWeb featured article, 27 December 2015. (Originally appeared in Aviation Safety Magazine, December 2013).
“Aerobatics in an Everyday Airplane” by Catherine Cavagnaro, Cessna Owner Magazine and Pipers Magazine, August 2015.
“The Cessna Aerobat Reimagined” by Catherine Cavagnaro, Cessna Owner Magazine, August 2015.
“Spinning 101” by Catherine Cavagnaro, AOPA Flight Training Magazine, September 2014.
“Teaching Spins” by Catherine Cavagnaro, AOPA Flight Training Magazine, September 2014.
“Stop the Prop?” by Catherine Cavagnaro, Aviation Safety Magazine, January 2014.
“Dissecting the PIO” by Catherine Cavagnaro, Aviation Safety Magazine, December 2013.